I aim to make Individual Therapy a collaborative process in order to facilitate change and improve your quality of life. Therapy can help confront barriers that interfere with emotional and mental well-being, and it can also increase positive feelings such as compassion, self esteem, love, courage, and peace. 

A couple benefits of Individual Therapy are:

  • Aids in developing fresh perspectives about life and new skills.  I can help clients develop a positive mindset and learn techniques for them to free themselves from common and habitual patterns of depression, anxiety, and self-criticism, among other destructive thoughts and emotions.
  • Uncover ways to relate and deal with emotional suffering.  Through individual therapy, a person can learn to see the silver lining, bringing wisdom and compassion despite the suffering, instead of giving in to anger and depression.
  • Improve relationships. One can develop more life-affirming behaviors which can help him or her improve the quality of their relationships with their loved ones and friends.

